I know I've been going on about the Mormons in my posts today, but like.. this shit gets really deep - into how the CIA perpetrated the Cold War, into the white-supremacist nature of the US state (and the state of Deseret the Mormons founded before joining the States)...
A couple years ago I watched the first season of Narcos on Netflix (which was not actually very good imo), but I remember noticing that the two CIA guys they always meet with were Mormon - they made a whole thing out of commenting on it and stuff.
This got me thinking about how I was raised, in a very Mormon household... We were taught that racism is when anyone hates anyone else for the color of their skin, and that thus the solution to racism is to "not even notice race", to prove just how non-racist you were.
Lol this of course is an absurd idea but being raised in it, I thought it made sense as a child. We once had a Black Mormon family move into the "Ward", and I remember going to their little 8-year old girl's baptism, and one of the older women commenting to the Black mother,
in all seriousness, something like "you're such a faithful family. I've noticed your skin get at least 4 shades whiter since being here!" I don't remember even noticing the mother's reaction, because I looked away immediately. Something inside me said something was wrong.
This family ended up moving out of our "Mormon bubble" (as we often called it - in other words, our safe, sheltered, simple, *white* world).

I remember it being openly discussed in Sunday School classes and stuff, about how some of us kids wanted to go into the CIA or FBI.
It was sort of assumed that those jobs would be easier for a college graduate to get, if one also happened to know Mandarin, or Spanish, or Arabic - you name it. Most of us would get "called" to serve a mission in a country in the Global South.
Obviously from my position as an anti-imperialist now, I can clearly see how this was all just another aspect of Imperialist domination of the world - sending overwhelmingly white missionaries around the world to spread the ALL-AMERICAN RELIGION!
That's what Mormonism is, when you get right down to it. The religion of "American Exceptionalism". Moreso, imo, than any other Christian faith. It was, of course, started by a white man, in upstate New York. But not just any white man - one who felt especially entitled.
See, his family came from huge wealth - they had been slave-owners and of the "landed, propertied class" but had lost that fortune in speculation and vice. They were reduced to a large family living in a tiny one-bedroom cabin, and having to live off the land.
Joseph Smith Jr. was only 2 generations removed from having been born into a bourgeois family and having ridiculous amounts of wealth at his disposal, simply for being alive. Naturally, he felt robbed of that. So he set to make amends for that perceived wrong.
He started out by fortune-telling, and joining a cult his father was part of - a cult which tried to find "buried treasure" (read: indigenous burial grounds and ruins) by contacting spirits, speaking in tongues and using "dousing rods".
They actually found a bunch(!), believe it or not. Must have been damn near impossible to miss in upstate New York, where countless people had lost their lives, and their lands.

He made some money from doing that for a while, and even found his first wife that way.
He had travelled to Pennsylvania to find some "treasure" for her dad, and well, he didn't. He just like, trekked around the woods with the dad for days straight, and took his money for his "services" anyway, as well as his daughter - making him pretty pissed.
He fucked over tons of other people in the same or similar ways for years, even as he was pretending to "translate" (just dictating it out of a hat, I'm not kidding) the Book of Mormon. And eventually, him and his buddies had to run from mobs. That continued everywhere they went.
This cracker motherfucker was so entitled, he stole horses along the way (landing him in jail a couple times), and eventually started stealing the children and wives of his friends as his own personal plural wives, right under his wife's own nose.
He built the perfect white-supremacist religion - based on a story where the WHITE INDIANS were the good guys, and the BLACK INDIANS were the bad guys. He wrote the Articles of Faith, which the Mormons follow to this very day. The most important thing: OBEDIANCE.
The 12th Article of Faith reads:

"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers and magistrates, and in obeying, honoring and upholding the law."

In other words, OBEDIANCE to God MEANS OBEDIANCE to the State. They are one and the same.
I tried to look it up, but I couldn't find any concrete statistics on how much the Mormon church was overrepresented in the CIA throughout the Cold War, but it does seem to be common knowledge, and the subject of many an urban myth - look it up if you don't believe me.
THE GUY who wrote the CIA "torture manual" used at the School of the Americas to train tens of thousands of members of far-right death squads in Latin America was a Mormon bishop:
Twitter isn't letting me paste anything(?) But seriously, just Google it.
Not many people know this, but the Mormon Church owns and operates a university besides BYU (and BYU-Idaho/BYU-Hawaii) - Southern Virginia University. It's not far from CIA headquarters, and rumor is there's been a direct line of graduates being churned out who are
Mormon, white-supremacist imperialists who already learned foreign languages on their missions and are ready to spread whiteness and democracy around the world - this is what we're dealing with here. This church is such a perfect example of a part of the Superstructure which
serves to strengthen and reify the economic Base of society - capitalism, which is white-supracist, Imperialist and patriarchal by nature. This is why the Mormon church didn't allow Black men to even hold the priesthood until 1978. This is why they basically ran the CIA.
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