Our Party faces deep rooted problems in terms of its relevance. A change of leader was never going to address those problems because they are far reaching and go well beyond whoever is at the top of the Party. I hope we might one day be able to have the serious analysis we need. https://twitter.com/britainelects/status/1281601956373508096
A fair few of us who are cast aside as ‘Corbynites’ have actually always been interested in tackling the deep rooted problems that Labour faces in terms of its relevance. I think that’s why many were drawn to the ‘ending factionalism’ stuff. Most in Labour want real change.
I’ve never seen my involvement with Labour as a personal spat with people who disagree with me internally because I hate them personally or want to ‘do them over’. I’m a democratic socialist and will argue my point, but I don’t do so as part of a factional gotcha.
Unfortunately our Party seems as factional as ever and there hasn’t been a real move to encourage the open and honest debates that we need. I’m hoping that will happen. If it doesn’t then we will only continue to sink further.
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