Even if you're lucky enough not to have lost anyone or gotten sick in the pandemic, you are the victim of a robbery.

Because of Trump's malignant incompetence and the stupidity of his followers, we've all been robbed of time we can't get back - maybe a year or more.
We've been robbed of time with loved ones, education for our kids, contact with others, at least a little freedom from this constant anxiety, just the mundane but precious parts of normal life. It is a theft, and it didn't have to happen this way.
In many countries with competent leadership and a sane populace, the pandemic is under control. Here are new cases yesterday:

Spain: 389
Germany: 361
Canada: 306
Japan: 227
Italy: 191
Netherlands: 64
S. Korea: 53

USA: 50,934

Robbery victims often speak of a sense of violation, one that turns into rage that has nowhere to go. You may be feeling that now. And you should. We all should. We've been robbed of so much, even if we've escaped the worst.
Maybe you're not an immigrant or a racial minority or a trans person or someone else Trump has attacked directly. Maybe you still have your job and haven't lost a loved one or gotten sick. But we are all his victims now.

And he should never be forgiven.

You can follow @paulwaldman1.
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