A recurring criticism of modern neopagan religion is that it is *inauthentic* - that it is an essentially modern movement with no real connection to the ancient indigenous paganisms of Europe.

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From around the 1970s onwards, this criticism has tended to be advanced in the form of the claim that there is no *organic continuity* between ancient and modern paganism (eg because the evolving historiography of witchcraft shows that Wicca must have been a modern invention).
But the claim is actually much older. It goes back to Victorian times and the late-C19 neopagan revival.

Back then, the claim was that neopagans had got the *ethos* of ancient paganism wrong.

It seems to have become almost a cliché for critics to say that contemporary neopaganism was inauthentic because those who embraced it - who tended to be Romantic, artistic figures - had overlooked the essentially conservative nature of ancient paganism.

The earliest example of this trope that I can find is from 1879, when the Leamington Spa Courier criticised neopagan writers of the Aesthetic school as peddling a false representation of the ancient world: "classicism... with a corrupt glamour of mediaevalism thrown over it".

A few years later, in 1892, an article in the Saturday Review suggested that "Real paganism to the modern Neo-Pagan would have seemed Tory in politics, bald in art, and unadventurous in morals".

Not long afterwards, in 1898, the classical scholar and Christian clergyman Lewis Campbell brought up the theme in his Gifford Lectures.

In 1904, the Dundee Evening Telegraph declared that ancient paganism "had nothing in common with the luxurious sensualism of its modern namesake".

The best known example of the trope came in the well-known Christian apologist G. K. Chesterton's "Heretics" (1905).

It is also worth mentioning the later comment of the Christian scholar Eliot Rose, in his book on witchcraft "A Razor for a Goat" (1962), that "Gods with Persian names and Greek bodies would prove, on examination, to have thoroughly Bloomsbury minds".

So... concerns about neopaganism and (in)authenticity go back a long way before, say, the mid-to-late C20 controversy over the accuracy of Margaret Murray's theories about witchcraft.

Long before then, critics were instinctively reaching for the "modern fabrication" trope.

Perhaps it would be useful to ask why (historical) authenticity is seen in this way as a criterion for the spiritual value of a religious movement.

I surmise that part of the answer is that, by the late C19, Christians had spent a century resisting arguments that their scriptures had been invalidated on historical grounds, so they were used to looking at religious claims through those lenses.
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