Somaliland #Thread

#Somaliland (then NW region) has indeed suffered greatly under the military regime, especially in 1988. What took place was one of the most brutal cases of crimes against humanity that were committed by the gov’t &...
....subsequently by various militia groups including SNM that SL Prez @musebiihi was one of its commanders.
True, in the past 3 decades Somaliland has accomplished semblance of democracy, peace & ‘state-building’ (regardless of being fueled by false narrative & groupthink)

Earlier it seemed a sustainable model....but later it became clear. Like all things initiated by #ReerTaloXume (post-civil war Somalis) this seemingly successful model was rotting from the core. Naturally most of the beneficiaries have opted to ignore the smell.

Contrary to prevalent narrative, Somaliland (like all other Somali clansitans) was/is a clan project where the alpha-clan always wants to dominate every aspect of that polity (politically, economically, socially).

As all things clannish, there is no self-control when it comes to claim to superiority & the right for lion's share. The same domination, arrogance& exploitation that the alpha-clan applied agst others is now being applied agst its own sub-clans. Disillusioned beyond repair.
Meanwhile, SL parliament is still serving that (unconstitutional) indefinite term; the rights of other regions (SSC & Awdal) to secede with Somaliland or to remain in the union is violently suppressed; media scrutiny or criticism of the govt is considered treasonous act.
....Likewise any travel of SL entertainers & other people of influence to mainland Somalia is considered treasonous act.

The oppressed Gabooye community (treated as the Untouchables of India) is on the edge of establishing a defense militia agst in full force.

*Anytime Somaliland remedies these mortal ills, I would have no choice but to become its staunch advocate. Same for all Somali clanstans.

@EdnaAdan @ragehomaar @HarunMaruf @afyare_elmi @RAbdiCG @AbdiwahabSheik7 @ProfHusseinWar @MohamoudGaildon @ayusuf009 @buube_99 Peace!
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