1/This article would make sense if @DrJasonJohnson had been on vacation since January 2020 w/o the use of cellphones, television, or the internet. However, I assume he was not. #BidenHarris2020 are more than ready to "knock out" Trump/Pence. Here is how: https://twitter.com/DrJasonJohnson/status/1281932284380282880
3/Trump, of course, will attempt to peel off Black voters like he did in 2016 (he can't win w/o us), but he was able to do that w/ the help of the media, Bernie Sanders, Russia coupled with a MASSIVE dose of misogyny.
This is not that election. Why?
4/ Bernie Sanders has united with Biden. Polling says the vast majority of Sanders supporters will support Biden on Nov. 3. The media, while still struggling to understand this election (Hi Dr. Johnson!) have been better at discussing Trump's hypocrisy, corruption, and bigotry.
6a/Trump will use the worst #misogynior he can against Kamala Harris. She is a Black woman living in America who is a sitting U.S. Senator, she already knows this and is prepared. To paraphrase Muhammad Ali, "[She] floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee." She's got this.
7/The majority of American voters want Trump gone AND poll after poll and poll shows, American's want Kamala Harris as VP. #KHive

Nice try Jason, but no cigar.
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