1 Exodus is a reminder that the war on males is a very old war. It’s a war that’s recurrent. It reappears anytime a tyrannical government fears opposition. They know that men, unlike women, are a threat as they are designed for conquest & rule. Therefore, they must be dealt with.
2 There are three common ways that such a government deals with a male threat:

1. pacify
2. reeducate
3. kill

We find the first and the third in Exodus 1. Pharaoh attempts to pacify through hard labor (8-14). When that fails he has the male babies killed (22).
3 We find reeducation in the Exodus by way of Stephen in Acts 7: “Moses was educated in all the learning of the Egyptians” (22). We also can detect the strong cultural influence of the Egyptians in the idolatry in the Exodus generation. It’s a less direct form of reeducation.
4 All three of these methods reoccur throughout the biblical history:

- Philistines sought pacify Samson thru Delilah (Judg 16:5)
- Babylonians reeducated the Israelite noblemen to serve the king (Dan 1).
- Herod attempted to kill Christ by slaughtering the innocent (Matt 2).
5 We also see all three of these methods at work in the current war on males.

We pacify boys thru medication, porn, video games, & by shaming them when they act masculine.

We are reeducating them thru the egalitarian curriculum of government schools & most churches.
6 We kill men via abortion but also through a hopeless culture that drives them towards suicide.

The war on men is as widespread and intense as it ever has been. It hard not to lose heart

But remember…
7 Pharaoh tried to kill Moses as a baby.
He failed.

Pharaoh reeducated Moses.
It didn't take.

Pharaoh tried to pacify Moses (& all of Israel).
God killed him in the Red Sea.

God has a habit of using normal men to take down seemingly unstoppable governments...
8 Take heart, brothers. The odds are never against those that fear God. The war on males will fail.

"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7
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