[14th THREAD: Indian Muslim Leadership]

Writing this thread with deep thoughts from my heart on Muslim Leadership in 🇮🇳. Why & How!
Critique or atleast give it a read.1/

@OpusOfAli @NabiyaKhan11 @brumbyoz @zoyarasul @isaifpatel @SaniaAhmad1111 @Ssaniya_ @irenaakbar @wardahbeg
To begin,the illegal arrests of Sharjeels & imposition of UAPA on other Muslim student activists beg the essential ques - "Why is this fascist regime so afraid of dissent of students or ordinary vocal Muslims?"

Before answering it, it'd be noted that Muslims rallying behind 2/
any political party is pretty useless, exhausting & portray a fragile state of Muslims.Congress had ruled for ~60yrs but it came to light that the internal political machinery was working on RSS model. Now we've anti-Muslim BJP whose politics is directly influenced from nazism 3/
zionism & built on hyper nationalism & hinduvta supremacy. Muslims have always been either used as vote bank, pawns & now 2nd class citizens. Despite going through so much suffering, massacres & riots I can't reconcile with the fact that we don't have any centralized political 4/
party who pushes for our concerns & affairs at national level. Our ancestors didn't build the foundation for leadership after Independence despite having many leaders who fought against Brits.
But for many, they'd worked so hard to give their future Gen a comfortable life & 5/
Edu which has become our tool today to oppose oppression. However, their socio-political matters were hijacked & they're left at the mercy of majority.
So it's pretty clear that none but a Muslim leadership can speak better for our issues.We can't replace "belonging with ally" 6/
And so one of the biggest reasons why this regime fears vocal Muslims is the fact that these educated activists have the potential to build the political foundation & unite Muslims for their socio-political cause. They fear this as if a minority wants to survive anywhere 7/
Then they must've sovereignty on their matters & the leader should emerge from the community as no outsider can empathize except who belongs to it. This is what Malcolm X taught Black Americans or Syed Ahmed preached to Muslims in his time. Today,we don't have unanimous voices 8/
among Muslims as they're scattered along different ideologies, the concept of Ummah is invisible among them & they've taken others as their saviors despite being ~200M in numbers. The Muslims today are disenfranchised, disunited while their existence is threatened & the future 9/
is bleak. To give evidences for my statements, one must look at Jews in US who literally control every aspect of their society including WH(through AIPAC) when they're in minority like us. They migrated to US from Europe after WW2, remained organized & united, focused on 10/
Edu, Biz & remained apolitical until they became powerful enough to manipulate politics & buy politicians & institutions.
Or the ex of Hezbollah( regardless of your views on it) which emerged as a resistence group against isreali aggression, now threaten isreal who sells 11/
military weapons & equipments to Indian army. Indian Muslims are deprived of leadership for too long & this has led us to our current situation..Remind you that no matter what we think but nobody is gonna speak for us unless we're a force on our own.

But what are the reasons 12/
we lack leadership?
3 imp factors I wanna mention :--

1. Sectarianism
Sectarianism is the biggest disaster for Indian Muslims & most of them are deeply indulged in it.
Sayed Khumayni once said, "While we're arguing where to put hands in prayers, the enemy wants to cut off 13/
your hands. That's why we dont have any centralized leadership.

2. Education & Economically Weak
As someone who hasnt just studied in school & college but also observed the Edu system of both in India & West closely,1 thing is pretty clear that current Edu system is built on 14/
producing more slaves for capitalism. In 🇮🇳,the focus is more on getting a job,not building career or skill. We don't realize we're living in a skill economy now. We need to take charge of our Edu.
For economy,I asked this ques on my FB as why we don't have more entrepreneurs 15/
Even when Islam encourages us for Business. And why we don't build our networks to help each other.

3. Not following Islamic teachings

Arabs was blessed with the biggest material asset - oil, yet their greed, abandoning Islamic values & bootlicking West has led to thier 16/

My dad told me long time back that sanghis are our silent enemies & today I can view his wisdom.
We've started to compromise in our values & identity,doesn't follow the Islamic teachings for one & another but rather love to see each other downfall or in misfortune 17/
And then we wonder we're in such a misery.
We act as our own enemies. So unless we unite,have vision,formulate strategies & build our networks,we'll remain supressed,oppressed, exploited & also threatened with hate & bigotry.

The Muslim youth needs to understand this.

This is an interesting thread on Indian Muslim leadership I wrote after being lazy to finish it...
@Shenz_S @JasoosMohtarma @aatikahshan @arhaan54 @Haaniya_Arifi @MeAliza18 @Orthodox_Ahmad
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