There has been a lot of talk surrounding the #49ers safety position. From acquiring Jamal Adams to extending Jaquiski Tartt. Most have mixed emotions about Marcell Harris.

Marcell Harris thread starts now ( @eric_crocker)
Most people have their opinion of Marcell Harris. "Box safety who's a liability in coverage." I don't like to push an agenda so I'll start the thread and you guys can come away with your own opinion. There are about 40 clips. Hang in there.
You won't see clips from the Falcons or Ravens game. This thread would run way too long but here's the first drive from the Falcons game. Harris showing who he is.
Let's start with the Saints game. To start off the game Harris is here in the box. Plays well here. Obviously unblocked, checks for the reverse. Once he sees back has it he shoots. And this dude arrives with bad intentions.
This showed up a few times. I'd say 3-4 times total in the 3 games I watched extensively. In the Saints game it happened here and again on a Cook TD. Missed tackles. Might be him being overly aggressive.
The biggest issue I've heard from fans was that he's a liability in coverage. So this isn't much but he was matched up in man coverage a ton on receivers and TE's. Way more than I would have expected. Easy work here
I forgot to mention I won't pretend to know their assignments or what their coaches ask/teach them to do.

In this position I was taught to wrong shoulder this. Basically dive at an angle across the body of the lead blocker to create more of a pile and keep the run inside
Man to man on Cooks here. Got a little grabby. No call. Looked like there was some panic there a bit. Thought he was in good position. No grab needed. But again, they asked much more of him as a coverage guy than I expected.
Here's the touchdown by Cooks and I think it's the play most go to when they say he's a liability in coverage. Just missed the tackle. Can't do it. I was surprised to see how much they put him at single high.
Not much here. In coverage on the over route. Good anticipation and positioning. I thought his anticipation was consistently REALLY GOOD. Both vs run and pass. Film study does him good. We'll get into that in a bit
Now what he didn't anticipate was this run route. Again, IDK what they are taught or told to do but unless he had outside leverage here he was in a lose lose position. Go under and its a td. Go over and its a td
Saints back in the red zone. I thought this was really good. Take away something run to something. Took away the space and walled off inside while anticipating an out breaking route. Really good stuff. In position to make a play on the ball. Good stuff there
Now this is even better. Key'd in on Mike Thomas who looks to be the read. Pedal, leverage, pedal break. Great stuff here. I said yeah he's a legit coverage guy. Great job keeping leverage so Mike Thomas can't cross his face. Forces no throw
More coverage. Sits on RPO slant. Good coverage.
Back in the box. Keeps himself free and gets in there to get in on action for the forced fumble. His second in as many games. I thought he was really good in the box. Kept himself clean a lot. Well, with the help of the DL of course
Back in coverage. Man'd up on the detached TE. Good technique. Hands on. Anticipates and squeezes route. Good stuff!
Short yardage situation. Know the gap he needs to get to. Shoots and helps plug the hole for the stuff
Great job on his key's here. Doesn't make the big hit but getting the player to stop his feet here is just as good. I keep hearing in my head that he had a bad game vs Saints. I'm sure there are 2 plays he'd like to have back but ultimately i saw a ton of good
On to the Rams game

Out the gate.. Crosser to Robert Woods. Tough route to guard with no robber. Especially for a safety. Not bad.. would like DL to make it tougher for Goff here
Just wanted to show how much pre snap movement he does. He does this ALOT. Tells me he's really confident with what his job is and knowing he can get to his spots. 49ers did a lot of disguising with him. He did a lot of work from single high but not many notable plays.
Maybe the most impressive play. Fights through 2 designed picks to run with 4.3 speed Brandin Cooks on a wheel route. EXTREMELY difficult. Cooks has a step but i thought he played this very well. Pass would have had to be perfect. Low percentage pass
Again, I'm not 100% sure what he is told to do but i couldn't really find any examples of him not doing his job. Seems like he was always in position
Single high. Possibly could have got a beat on this a half second sooner and possibly could've made a play on this ball. Good throw by Goff. Only place he could have thrown it
Loved this play. In position to cover the corner.. reads through receiver and sees the ball thrown and gets straight to the ball carrier. Big hit short of the first down
Good coverage on the Woods crosser. Basically runs the route for him. Good stuff
Didn't see the blitz from him much. Here and again early in the Seahawks game. I thought when he did blitz he timed it up well each time forcing bad throws
Guarding Woods again on the crosser. Good coverage again. Goff ends up keeping it
Thought he looked smooth and comfortable in his pedal. Clean feet. No wasted steps. Good stuff
Single high here. Great pursuit here. I mean, he beat Fred Warner to the ball. And then the awareness to punch at the ball. Love it. That's why he forces fumbles
More great pursuit on the double reverse. If im the coaches that's the first play I'm showing in the defensive meeting lol
3rd down. I would like to think it's his responsibility to get the crosser. Good pre snap communication. Good angle. Good job working to play though the hands. Good football play.
On to Seattle. Knows he's coming on a blitz. Nice disguising. Acts like he's in man on the TE.. lets the twist happen in front of him. Comes free and forces the high throw.

side note, look at Bosa lol
Down in the box. Squares up homer
More good pursuit. Does't take plays off. Tries to kill Wilson lol
Single high.. Running the ally
Rock n Roll as we used to call it.. comes down as a seam player.. covers his area.. ball thrown short.. keeps going and makes tackle. Good stuff
Locked on TE. Good job staying square in his pedal.. nice break on post. Good coverage
2 high guy. Good confidence in what he's seeing to drive on an underneath route
Good stuff in the box. Squares up Marshawn Lynch. Good job by the DL keeping Harris clean.
Gets outflanked on the GL on the play action resulting in him holding/tackling Lynch. Not ideal lol
GREAT job here. Look at him jumping routes. I thought his coverage all game was really good. This is a safety who is confident in his coverage ability and what he's seeing.
Early on i said he missed like 3 tackles in the 3 games i really watched. 2 in the Saints game.. Nothing notable in the Rams game. This one here in the Seahawks game.
You guys can't say i try to push any agenda lol i'm showing the good and not so good
Good coverage here in man on the TE! Hands on.. squeeze/ anticipate .. good
Good zone eyes here. Plays his area.. attaches on the scramble drill. Good stuff in coverage
Last play.Great job of attacking the ball at its highest point over both Lockett and Williams. Good play
OK.. that's it. lol hopefully you guys watch the entire thread. I think its easy to have a couple bad plays stick in your mind and tell you who a player is. I thought over the course of 3 games i saw a ton of really good plays both in the box and in coverage
I walked away from the film having a totally different perspective of Harris. Very well rounded safety. Definitely not a liability in coverage. Maximum effort player. Forces turnovers. Really liked what I saw. Definitely think 49ers should blitz him more too.
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