He 👆🏻wants us to read these words, meditate/pray on them and use them when the time comes. This is very IMPORTANT. We’ve all been waiting for The Storm, but are we truly ready? We are so hungry for justice and true freedom. BUT...KEEP READING 1/
As you can see, things are heating up, FAST. The dam is about to break and [they] will stop at nothing to keep this from happening. Expect chaos and a fight. What matters is how we react. We’ve known this was coming, but are we prepared? 2/
POTUS tweeted something profound the other day, and it can be applied in many instances. How about Biblically? For instance, The Disciples. How lucky were they to be Jesus’ tight knit group; able to watch miracle after miracle, day after day? 3/
Along with hearing his teachings firsthand, that had to be LIFE CHANGING. I cannot even comprehend seeing miracles like that on a daily basis, let alone participating in them! 🤯 4/
After a long time of teaching, Jesus was tired and they decided to take a boat out and get some rest. Several of the disciples were fishermen by trade. They knew what they were doing and how to handle the boat, water and inclement weather. 5/
Not that day. A storm hit. A YUGE STORM. They were petrified and could not gain control of the boat. They were extremely close to sinking. All the while, Jesus slept. They finally woke him up and confronted Him. “Would you have us drown?!” 6/
Jesus told the water to be still and it stopped. But guess what he was more concerned with? The disciples’ lack of faith. He said, “Why are you so afraid? Do you STILL have no faith?” They had assisted in and witnessed miracle after miracle.7/
WE are modern day disciples, in the sense that He has chosen us to be a Part of His Plan. We have witnessed miracle after miracle. Have you noticed and appreciated them? We are part of The Great Awakening! The miracle of all miracles! 8/
Yet as soon as things got scary, they FORGOT ABOUT IT ALL. Their faith dissipated instantly. Cringe worthy, right? Would you throw in the towel like a disciple, when humanity is at stake? Or will YOU tell the water to be still? 9/
God has already told us He wins, yet we’ve doubted him these past 4 years, constantly. Things didn’t happen in our time frame? Nothing’s happening! [They] attack POTUS. We freak out! No faith. We know how this ends, but don’t act like it. 10/
Let’s not be the disciples on the boat. We know that [they] are in the last throes of power. [They] are panicking. [They] are cornered animals and will try anything. Expect anything, knowing with one important FACT: GOD WINS. 11/
He has proven that He is all over this. Every time they have tried to harm POTUS, it fails. He’s protected. We’re protected. Is The Storm going to be a ton of fun? No. But it should be much easier, knowing that it WILL pass and that [they] lose. 12/
A dear friend told me this: “Don’t let fear destroy your faith. Let your faith destroy fear.” It may get scary, frustrating, seem like we’re sinking, losing or alone. That is NOT the TRUTH. 13/
Remember this: We are an army. There is a Plan. His Plan. Patriots are in control. The storm will pass. God wins. We win. WWG1WGA. 14/
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