[thread] The dynamics of the Maine Senate race are a fascinating combo of every shift in politics and campaigns right now.

#1 Campaigns: Sara Gideon’s campaign is a classic example of the “old way” of running campaigns. It’ll probably still win. But it’s not the future. https://twitter.com/mfalpac/status/1281965448121257985
The old way relies on the premise that consultants and experts are to be trusted with reaching voters. The products are polished ads, on all platforms, with millions behind them.

Those ads can work. In the process, they also erode trust in democratic institutions
The old way spends a LOT of money on (primarily out of state) consultants. They gauge campaign performance before the actual voting on how much money is raised.

The press largely buys into this, reporting obscene numbers but rarely digging into how the money is spent.
The old way campaigns operate relies heavily on what I deem BadContent. BadContent is more focused on saying why an opponent is bad than why a candidate is good. It is very, very polished! Like a shiny apple covered with pesticides.
#2 Tactics: Old way campaigns adopt digital practices and small-dollar fundraising out of necessity. But they don’t fundamentally change how money is raised. By amassing massive national power, they appear to have a strong grassroots. That’s mostly an appearance.
Old way campaigns still attend high dollar fundraisers. They use their massive money advantage to buy ads and prop up their small-dollar fundraising numbers. When the FEC deadlines come around, they cherry pick numbers to hide their massive out of state fundraising.
Sara Gideon and Susan Collins both practice this method of campaigning. Amy McGrath is another good example.

This method is a pretty good way to win, so far. They elbow out the competition by having a fundraising advantage that’s almost impossible to beat.
Very reasonable and Uber smart/serious political people who support these campaigns know these truths. They will say things like “you need to be prepared to fight Susan Collins! Sara is a very accomplished person”

They also likely benefit personally from proximity to party power
But here’s why the old campaigns could hasten their inevitable death in 2020.

- Ranked choice voting. The old campaigns weren’t developed in a time when RCV was a factor. RCV, in Maine, means no one has to worry about spoilers. We’ve barely examined those implications.
- Small dollar donations. Whichever campaign wins the primary— one will receive $4+ million from the @BeAHeroTeam fund. Which, unless you’re one of those veryserious people who thinks we need $20 million to win a campaign— is enough!!
- There’s a WHOLE host of other factors here related to issues, too. But the biggest is healthcare. If anything, the pandemic has made the argument for Medicare for All far stronger. The old way does not support this plan. It’s refusal might cost Gideon the primary.
I still think Gideon will likely win. But what did it take the old way to make it happen? $20+ million? How many voters were turned off from voting by the relentless ads? And why hasn’t the candidate who raised the most barely budged in polls? She goes on as a very weak nominee.
The old way will die. The only question is when. The death of the old way is a key part of dismantling our white supremacist institutions and power structures. Every single part of this upholds racism and racist institutions. It’s the same power that keeps our prisons full.

And as a footnote: I hope you vote for @BetsySweetME and @BeeKay4ME ! They both ran creative, new campaigns. Bre’s campaign gave direct assistance to people during the pandemic!!! That is the future. Campaigns as a service. Campaigns as mutual aid. Campaigns as a vehicle for care
And another one: old way campaigns sell your personal data! They don’t respect your privacy. And we should NEVER replicate those practices. Progressives who want to chart a new course do need to be better. Don’t do digital things because “everyone else does”
As an example: Here’s a text I received from a random campaign in Texas that I never opted into, 30 seconds after posting this. Yeah I don’t care if they bought my number. It’s unethical and doesn’t work. Don’t listen to consultants who push this.
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