So today a group of the Irish far right ‘protested’ outside the Dáil. They’ve decided that because the minister for children is LGBTQI they can wrongfully conflate that with paedophilia - a common theme of these hate mongers since at least 1933. Note the noose! #MarchforInnocence
The ‘protest’ turned ugly when the extremists ran across the road & violently attacked an anti-Fascist peaceful protest
One of the alleged key movers behind this event is Hermann Kelly aka Marilyn. Other leaders include Princess Cameltoe & a Leprechaun. The latter actually hung out with Neo-Nazis in Germany.
I believe in right of reply so here’s Marilyn’s billet doux to me. Apparently believing in human rights is a far left thing. Marilyn is a tad irrational.
The ‘Irexit Party’ was set up by Nigel Farage’s handmaiden Marilyn. Marilyn, from Derry, is a fine strapping lad who looks good in a tight pair of short shorts. He’s best known as Nige’s spokesman & various other Brexit shenanigans such as director of communications
Now Mr Kelly has a problem with LGBTQI including the idea that LGBTQI couples take other people’s children:
And some of her vile tweets (note she changes her username regularly).
Here’s just one of several times where he fantasises about the Irish LGBTQI community:
Now when I pointed out the above to Marilyn, he had this to say. Marilyn doesn’t seem to understand that evidence is presented for each fact reported. He’s got a lot on his mind to be fair.
As a result I double checked his activities. His tweets make for unpleasant reading. Mr Dowson helped found the alleged hate group Britain First. Here’s how he behaved towards Mr Ganley as well. Not good.
Here he is supporting an alleged Far Right Irish extremist. Here he’s behaving with no dignity with a government minister. And here he’s being unscientific & using anti-Trans tropes (leave the science to experts I think, don’t you?)
Here he’s supporting another alleged Far Right extremist. Here’s the hypocrisy of his leader taking EU money despite campaigning against them. And here he’s obsessed again with Trans people.
Here he is with a woman who has made the press for her attacks on LGBTQI. And where he ran candidates who didn’t exist - not perhaps his finest hour. And here he is using the extremist ‘Cultural Marxism’ slur beloved of Nazis (yeah, spare us the Frankfurt School spiel)
Here he is supporting another Far Right Party. Here he is supporting a woman who called the NZ attacks a false flag. And here he is supporting a man who allegedly wanted to set up a form of Camp for Mincéirí (Travellers) where they could be concentrated.
Here he is in full sectarian mode impugning the Taoiseach. And here’s the people who formed the group he allegedly worked for in the EU.
Here’s his anti LGBTQI human rights tweet (& insult to the electorate). Here he is being vile to Colm O’Gorman (particularly nasty).
Here’s a thread from Colm indicating the experiences he has had with these extremists:
Here’s his inflammatory nastiness towards LGBTQI families. Really all the hate must’ve exhausted him. Here’s his commitment to the law of copyright - allegedly stealing the music of Horslips & then insulting them.
Here is a report on his allegedly making money from Brexit as well as some strange reports regarding alleged sexism
Here’s more reporting on his views of women. And interestingly
@hopenothate have been talking to him. He gave a very unprofessional response.
Here’s more from
@hopenothate | To be fair it’s not as if UKIP liked him very much, based on Suzanne Evans’ comments on his ‘work’.
And definitely worst is his alleged Islamophobia.
Far Right parties were hot for the Big Fella, Collins. After I replied with the below they dropped him from their propaganda. They replaced him with Padraig Pearse. No one seems to have told them that historians have suggested he was a paedophile.

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