#LoveIsEssential #LoveIsNotTourism I survived COVID, my asymptomatic mother who works in healthcare contracted it from a patient who did not disclose symptoms. Its been 4 months since that, & I’ve been following a strict at-home quarantine this entire time (1/2)
(2/2) As a microbiologist & public health professional, I know the risks & the steps i need to take to mitigate them. I have been waiting to return to Germany to be w/ my fiancé & finally get married & live there (I lived & studied in GER previously) @YlvaJohansson @GermanyDiplo
Unmarried/engaged couples are not less of a family bc we do not have a peice of paper, especially when many of us are trying to reunite in order to marry & stay together in the same country safely. @LoveThruCOVID @YlvaJohansson @GermanyDiplo #LoveIsEssential #loveisnotourism
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