Every action of the past has inexorably let to the present. Even the most idyllic periods of history ultimately coalesced in the modern paradigm. The error of today's reactionaries is that they have yet to recognize that there is no going back, but only forward.
The cat is out of the bag with many things, particularly techno-industrialism. You will never be able to put it back in the bag. The reactionary of today will have to move forward by tempering the degenerative aspects of modern technology and leveraging it's strengths.
A real cultural, political and spiritual Renaissance can rise from the ashes of the modern project. The biggest mistake conservatives make is wanting to go back. What has been done cannot be undone. We can erect new monuments but there will forever be those that were toppled.
Human nature is fallen and thus history is subject to dialectic. Reactionism is a perpetual conflict that has spanned and will continue to span generations until the second coming of our Lord.
We are left to determine the momentum of history and figure out how to redirect it towards the greater good. We must all do our part to study, pray, and develop social capital so that we may take advantage of the coming opportunities to inculcate future generations.
This is the only strategy by which reactionaries have ever or will ever succeed.
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