TOP 12 Countries Where Gringos Can Go…

Coronavirus Edition

If 2020 got you looking for an escape, lemme break it down for ya


Subject to change

Do your own research

This is just my mental masturbation
#1. Ukraine

From my understanding, gringos are being allowed in and there is talk of a “self-quarantine” here.

Although a few buddies of mine are heading there this week and doubtful that will be enforced.
Boots on the ground suggest masks are required inside stores and public transport, but not at parks and outdoors.

CC: @KyleTrouble

#2. Mexico

Playa del Carmen is already chalked full of digital nomad bros.

Restaurants and bars seem to be open, while the beach is starting to open up.

Mexico’s opening is state by state.
Some of the best options appear to be:

- Playa del Carmen
- Guadalajara
- Puerto Vallarta
- Mazatlan

CC: @MyLatinLife @LatamCapitalist @Iberianamerica
3. Dominican Republic

Seemingly the most open country in Latin America, one thing I love about the DR…

The level of fucks given is quite low.

People live life here.

Bars seem to be open in Zona Colonial in Santo Domingo.
Bachata music, white sand beaches, friendly locals, Presidentes, and Caribbean rum reign supreme.

Solid option, although I haven’t been keeping in touch with anyone on the ground last few weeks.

CC: @joserosado
4. Cambodia

Deposit $3,000 bucks upon arrival. If no one on your flight tests positive for Covid, you get $2,900-ish of that back...from my understanding.

Then you are free!
Cambodia is the most open country in the world from what I can tell

Gyms open.

Bars and clubs open.

Yoga studios holding classes.

Wouldn’t be my first choice normally, but strongly considering it.
5. Belarus

Not sure this spot ever actually closed down.

From friend of a friend…

Everything is open. People give zero fucks. Nightlife popping.

Potentially solid option for anyone looking to hit Europe.
This one is a bit harder to find accurate information on, but I'm told life is good here.
6. South Korea

Surprisingly, South Korea is still accepting USA citizens without a visa.

For tourism.

But there is a quarantine.

At least according to my research.
@shaunonsite told me you do have to take a Covid test upon arrival and quarantine for 14-days.

But they may be allowing a self-quarantine at an Airbnb...once you download tracing app.

Strongly considering this one...

But need to look more into it.
7. Puerto Rico

Opening the borders on July 15th for mainlanders

Great beaches and Latin culture

Solid option, as medical services are good and it's close to the USA
Definite contender, if nightlife is open, for me
8. Nicaragua

Never truly closed.

International flights start back up in August from my research.

Covid may be rampant here and the government is inept, communists.

But my research shows you can live life here...if you can get in.
Although further research is warranted, as I've seen conflicting info.

If fully open, Nicaragua is awesome.

CC: @VidaAmerica
9. Belize

Country relies on tourism, so opening August 15th from my understanding.

Great beaches.

Wouldn’t consider it normally, but in 2020 those beaches look appealing.

Solid expat community too.

CC: @VidaAmerica
10. Barbados

Barbados is begging digital nomads and the work-from-home crew to arrive.

In fact, the small Caribbean nation is offering a one-year visa for digital workers to live on the island and escape the Covid madness.
11. Croatia

Wasn't aware of this one...

But Croatia is now allowing Americans to enter?

Looks like it:
I need to do more research here, but this could be a huge sleeper pick

I've heard great things about the country pre-Covid
12. Brazil

Would be my top pick in normal times...

During the 'Rona probably not

My sources on the ground say bars and restaurants are open in Rio and people are more than socializing.

Beaches are only open for exercise in Rio as of now.

With the political situation and rampant Covid, it's a risk.

I do see flights still going in and out, but a lot of conflicting information online.

Boots on the ground sources say tourism could open fully by Sept. 1
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