The person who wrote this tweet is unaware that her mindset is in fact a result of racialized discipleship, bolstered by an unbiblical separation of body from soul. /1
In Rediscipling the White Church, @davidswanson clearly shows the way that “race as it has been constructed and evolved works to conceal its impact ON white people FROM white people... to think... white is neutral.” But white is anything but neutral. /2
Quoting Willie James Jennings, he reminds readers that Gentiles were outsiders to Israel, brought near by the grace of God through Israel’s Messiah. But when the seat of Christian power shifted to Europe, Jesus’s Jewishness was downplayed,... /3
the status as welcomed outsiders was erased, the doctrine of supersessionism took hold (in which the church replaced Israel) & European identity was placed at the center of the Christian experience. /4
Then, "as European nations began their colonial expansion projects, they did so under the influence of this malformed Christianity. Christian explorers, settlers, and conquerors came with imaginations which had been formed to see themselves not only as standard-bearers..." /5
"...for the faith, but also as those with the power to define the places and people they encountered. Rather than coming from the margins--outsiders grafted into the people of God--the colonizers imagined themselves at the center." /6
The abomination known as Dum Diversas was a Papal Bull. The Protestant Reformation hadn't happened yet, so we can't just say "It's a Catholic thing." It came from THE European church. /7 
The particularities of Jesus's earthly life--his physical embodiment, the culture/class/geographic location in which he was born & raised, the languages he spoke, the traditions in which he was immersed--were, are, & forever will be of central importance to Christian formation./8
Disastrous things have taken place in world history when people have separated Christianity from those particularities. /9
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