If the love you claim to have for someone can always be suppressed and temporarily suspended so you can satisfy other guilty pleasures, then love is overrated.

We may avoid the truth, but we know that as a generation, we’ve corrupted too many institutions.

We know the problem but we either run away from it or come up with convenient theories to rationalize it.

Our “wokeness” as a generation did not come from pure wisdom, it is borne out of self-absorption and overall laziness. Marriage and love was not designed easy.
We know this; but instead of deal with it head-on, we invent extensions which we never keep up with, and desperately try to justify them.

A partner cannot use your phone without asking for passwords. It is called privacy, but we know the truth.
We do exactly what we shouldn’t do in marriages and relationships but we claim we’re a better, more loving generation than our predecessors.

In our self-absorption, we are ruining values like patience, discipline and trust. We adore these things but it’s just too hard for us.
This is why things are so transient. The things we love are farther from us in reality, than we like to imagine.
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