Tomorrow, churches will be silenced. 😶

Singing in church has literally been banned across California. 😶😶😶

We’ve warned you that the radical Left has been trying to weaponize COVID-19 to push their extreme agenda. And churches are their first target.
2) Singing is a fundamental part of worship. The Bible commands us to “Make a joyful noise to the Lord . . . . Come into his presence with singing.” (Psalm 100) Banning this is one of the most draconian abuses of power in a pandemic.
3) Leaders on the Left are trampling the scriptures in this blatant violation of religious liberty.

Under the guise of suppressing the Coronavirus, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered that “places of worship MUST . . . discontinue singing.”
4) Banning singing in church is an unconstitutional abuse of power. As we go to court, we urgently need YOU.
Sign Our (ACLJ) Petition: Don’t Ban Singing in Church. This week we had a critical hearing in our fight against Deep State corruption and “unmasking.”
5) The ACLJ has issued at least seventy-five Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to more than twenty different federal or state agencies with the intent of shedding light on the ongoing Deep State corruption and lawlessness.
6) After a decade-long battle, led by our 1st-of-its-kind lawsuit against the abortion-pill mandate, the SCOTUS has finally ended the pro-abortion mandate’s onslaught on religious liberty, overwhelmingly vindicating the Little Sisters of the Poor. The ACLJ does great work. FOLLOW
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