BJP involvement in Gold Smuggling Case:

1. Prime suspect Sandeep Nair in gold smuggling case is a BJP worker.

2. Hariraj, trade union leader who threatened the customs for releasing baggage is a BJP member.

3. The advocate appearing for Swapna Nair, was district president of
Hindu Economic Forum, Ernakulam.

4. Swapna used her influence in UAE consulate, which comes under central govt, to smuggle gold.

5. BJP union minister V Muralidharan lied that gold was not smuggled in diplomatic baggage, later NIA confirmed it was diplomatic baggage.
6. Both prime suspects Sarith and Swapna were former employees of UAE Consulate which comes under Ministry of external affairs of India. V Muraleedharan is the minister, who has been caught red handed for lying about diplomatic baggage.
What is more astonishing is either @INCIndia or @INCKerala till now didnt made a statement or organised a protest against BJP or the union minister. They are protesting against the Chief Minister of the state, rejecting his plea to avoid protests during covid19 pandemic.
Even the media seems to ignore the BJP involvement, which is crystal clear. The state as well as the national media is trying to make Chief minister a scapegoat out of the scam. The only valid report of the incident came from @ttindia.
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