The fabulous @VilissaThompson is going to be an auntie so here is my list of progressive baby books I buy for all my niblings as their resident queer/glitter auntie. I’ll post non-Am*zon links but please order from local independent bookstores if you can!
Lovely by Jess Hong (Diverse bodies represented including disabled folks and genderqueer folks. One of my very favorites) 
No!: My First Book of Protest by Julie Merberg (super new & really sweet way to introduce history of protest to little ones, esp if you plan to take them to protests)!-my-first-book-of-protest.html
So these are books I have personally read & purchased w/ positive feedback for multiple families. I know there are way more out there but I can vouch for these. Happy auntie-ing Vilissa (and uncle-ing or guncle-ing or fairy godparenting or whatever you call it, other friends)!
I’ll add that if you are in the Madison area, please order from @RoomofOnesOwn. They are working hard to fulfil and ship orders. Email or order online. They also have a badass queer & POC staff that can provide great recommendations.
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