How did Sid fans trending for him for HSKD have anything to do with this stupid BB crap or any opposite FD? We have all seen what has transpired over the last few weeks in the industry and with nepotism. His fans, which includes SHIPPERS wanted to trend and bring attention.
They wanted to show him support and you WHO HATE HIM had a problem with that his fans chose to do for him? Articles were written within a day after HIS FANS raised their voices!! That a sign of a fandoms using their power for the right reasons!
During Faridoon’s live, if you have the capability of using your pea-sized brain ever you would know why people DISCUSSED and UNDERSTOOD Sid’s statement on nepotism. NO ONE DEFENDED ANYTHING!
People, who understand how systematic nepotism works, the man himself has been a victim of it, and today Dharma Production’s tweet proved it yet again! However, his fans were able to raise their voices knowing that Sid himself cannot say much on this matter!
An artist cannot publicly go out there and bash production houses in the media the same way you won’t go on a news channel or on social media and bash your boss if you gave a damn about your career!
Sid has a such a huge fanbase that it is comparable to fanbases of top celebs in the industry! He did not have the same fanbase support during or after HSKD or DSDT, so NOW if his FANS see his being treated DIFFERENTLY, you best believe they will RAISE their VOICES!!!
If you are not his fan, you IDOLIZE someone else, you DO NOT like shippers no matter what they do then I think it is high time you pull stop poking your nose where it is not required. Stop inviting yourself in other’s matter.
All u people do is blame and point fingers at shippers no matter what they do! The same shippers if they write a letter/thread in your favor u go on applauding them! Well have the same damn energy to take their opinion when it’s not about your idol before calling them hypocrites!
Everyone’s concern is always what shippers are doing! What are the trending? Which solo trend is the big handle taking part in? Which issue did a shipper talk about and which issue did they not? BE CONCERNED WITH YOUR OWN FANDOM AND YOU OWN IDOL FFS!
The same people who were so concerned with worldly issues, wanted to stop/postpone our trend but took part in theirs, the world issues did not disappear during your trend and neither they did during ours. Stop pretending to me morally superior and looking down on everyone else.
Even though shippers trended #/ForABetterTomorrow before our trend in which people shared their experiences, shared petitions, raised voices, tweets out resources! Yet, you still had the audacity to call shippers insensitive. Make it make sense.
Unfollow me, mute me, block me for all I care after saying this! You people literally do everything to shove your opinions down other people’s throat but you can never take it in return! Stop letting your ego control you and control others to the point that you look insane.
You can follow @imoveritBYEE.
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