It's been a THRILL to see all who have engaged in #BlackBirdersWeek #BlackHikersWeek #BlackinAstro Week, #BlackBotanistsWeek & those weeks to come. Non-BIPOC colleagues in #academia & #highered I'd like to encourage you to take your enthusiasm & admiration for these weeks local:
How have you supported, advocated for, or expressed enthusiasm for the Black colleagues in your unit/department, college, university, disciplinary society? I'd like to suggest some ways the best way to celebrate local scientists made visible in weeks such as #BlackBotanistsWeek
Celebrate them thru looking at what's there now AND THEN facilitating, insisting upon, or leading action that engenders equitable policies, reward & retention practices, representation at all levels incl stable, long-term positions & at the highest levels of executive leadership
I'll never forget a Black REU student I mentored as a postdoc saying to me that it was clear we had "temporary place & space" in #highered as we—two temporary employees—were the only Black scientists there. So continue to celebrate—ABSOLUTELY yes! But plan to ACT—and start local!
You can follow @BerondaM.
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