1/4 As momentum gathers for the people's #31July2020 action to restore constitutionalism & recover the economy to save Zimbabwean lives & livelihoods, the jittery regime is mobilising @PoliceZimbabwe to train officers in brutality. Below is an example in Bulawayo!
2/4 The best legal way is to exercise your ss 58, 59 & 61 rights in your area. Take Glen Norah A, B & C in Harare. They have one police station with 21 officers. If Glen Norah demonstrations & sit-ins are at its shops & offices, the 21 officers can't use brutality!
3/4 Another Harare example is Waterfalls. It encompasses Parktown, Zindoga & Mainway Meadows; all with one police station that has less than 30 officers & no cars. If Waterfalls residents demonstrate at shops & sit-in at public offices there, 30 #ZRPs won't manage!
4/4 Reliance on your ss 58, 59 & 61 rights in Zim's 2013 Constitution requires you to peacefully demonstrate, protest & speak out WHERE YOU ARE; against corruption, illegitimate governance, state atrocities & for constitutional, legitimate & accountable governance!
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