Not been too bright for a few days but went for a little potter today.
Ford Green Hall.
Used to be a 5 minute walk from home, now it's 20.

First built in 1624 as a dairy farm and added to and changed over the years.
Now a museum but closed at the moment...
It's a bit wonky...

But has some really nice features..
Like this door..
The owner, Hugh Ford and descendants lived there for 200 years and became quite wealthy for the time and nothing showed off your wealth like a dovecote and a bloomin' great pineapple in your front yard.
Many years ago there was a set of metal stocks.
Correct and period but I don't think they were originally for there.
There was nothing else around.
Just fields
They disappeared one night.
Love looking at the woodwork and seeing the old, new and even newer as they try to preserve the place.
Original carpenters chisel marks can still be seen in some places..
Strange to remember I spent many years maintaining the grounds and lovely to see care is still taken with wild flowers, medicinal plants and herbs planted.
And goosegogs!..
Darkest part of it's history was in the 70's when the place was flooded.
And as weird folk do me and me Dad took the canoes down and paddled round with a swan for company.
The water came to here..

The End
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