Thread to clear up some confusion about reselling. Just because I’m a #reseller doesn’t mean that I hate my 9-5. Or that I would put down people who work for minimum wage. Or make fun of anyone who works for someone else to make ends meet.
I’ve been through two layoffs. I’m watching as my current 9-5 cuts pay, furloughs hard working people, eliminates salary increases and files for chapter 11 bankruptcy.
The lesson I’ve learned out of all of this is not to put all my eggs in one basket. The risk is too much. I know what my abilities are and how I can use them to make money.
There’s not a single large business in this country that relies on one source of income. But we’re taught as individuals to just do our jobs, and only our jobs.
That’s not good enough for me. Not when the prices for bread, milk, eggs, gas, etc. keep going up and the paycheck doesn’t go up.
I resell because my job could be gone tomorrow. Literally. My job could go “poof”, but the bills stick around. I went through that twice and it shook me to my core. I never want to have that feeling again.
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