IMHO we need to shut everything down and demand the adequate resourcing of our communities NOW.

I know that’s easier said than done, but $$$ is the only thing the power establishment values. Our labor & $ are perhaps the greatest leverage we have against the ruling white elite.
We need a general strike + rent strike that brings the economy to a standstill until everyone in USA, from healthcare workers to grade school children to the housing unstable, is provided w/ what they need. The wealthy can’t keep hoarding $$ & gov’t can’t keep giving them more.
Everyday more ppl fall prey to the system—ppl from all walks of life who never thought they’d be this vulnerable. We need to unite, support all striking workers & strategize on bringing commerce to a halt until communities get funded like police & the corporations that got PPP $.
It’s totally unacceptable that school systems, healthcare systems and neighborhoods are unsure how they will survive through the end of the year while the wealthy continue to gorge themselves on our tax $$.

It will require massive organization but survival is at stake.
Working people of America must refuse to tolerate this violence, abuse & exploitation from the ruling elite. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the elite have focused on using this as an opportunity to profit themselves while thousands die from the lack of resources.
I’m not claiming to have all the answers or that it would be easy. What I’m saying is that we actually don’t have time to wait for the election. There will be mass evictions, mass death and mass unemployment before November.
We’ve got an entire generation of school children who will lose a year of education b/c of neglect while tax $$ is going to large corporations & institutions, Trump’s family & other figures of the elite.

If we don’t revolt now, the inequality will be even greater post-pandemic.
We can’t wait until the first day of school to take action in protecting children who the ruling elite want to offer up to illness for the sake of capitalism & ignoring public health.

We can’t allow another thousand healthcare workers to die needlessly from gov’t malfeasance.
The response to this from the elite will be to claim that we want to hurt workers by damaging the economy.

But the truth is that the elite are the ones who’ve crashed the economic prospects for working people & are now abandoning us all to illness & death.

Shut it down.
Many workers are striking already from factories to universities to city workers. It’s a matter of supporting these workers and scaling up the participation. I personally am willing to do what I can to participate and support because I truly believe that’s what we need right now.
People are being forced to die needlessly.

The economy should be brought to a halt until billionaires stop transferring all the wealth to themselves & working people receive an *actual public health response* to the multiple crises we face right now.

Shut it down.
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