We don't just have human traffickers hunting our kids they're also reptilians/lizards that R Fallen Angels who require human blood/adrenochrome to maintain their human form or start to Shapeshift from human to lizard norm as if glitching, i.e. eyes go wonky & all black...
....and the teeth form sharp edges. Shapeshifters have infiltrated high positions in society all over the world. A lot of random people have reported that they've seen someone famous shapeshift on-screen & we think they're cucoo. I watched these videos & think, nah, it's just the
lighting & camera angle. However, now that the adrenochrome supply's cut off due to Lockdown & personal stash's running out....these reptilians must be worried, suffering & shapeshifting into their natural & original selves. But where are ... they haven't come out of quarantine
because if they did, the civil unrest going on worldwide would halt immediately. Aliens R distracting & would cause people to lose their shit, literally. We all know David Icke has been bleating on about the British Royal family being shapeshifters for years. He's still breathing
because no one believes him. But with all the stuff coming to light, especially about the celebrities drinking baby's blood, worshiping Baphomet, the human sacrifices, how can you not believe these demonic entities exist. They are here among us & we must be prepared mentally...
...that there are unseen entities among us who want to be here until they decide to reveal themselves to us. In the meantime, our children are the sustenance source. Makes me think of the Royal visit to Canada circa 1964 & 10 excited children who visited with the Royal couple
had disappeared after lunchtime & never returned to their families ever. For the wider public, not just scientists Switzerland & Antarctica are coming on the radar. There are ancient statues, esoteric symbols and ancient writings landmarks that people are beginning to question.
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