As we inch closer to September, parents, principals & politicians are weighing options for America’s students. Donald Trump has complicated the discussion further by again ignoring warnings from public health officials & pushing for schools to re-open. #velshi
Trump’s Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, has even threatened to withhold funding for schools that don’t offer in-person classes. The goal seems to be getting parents back to work—whatever it takes to improve Trump’s flagging re-election prospects. #velshi
America has used public education as a political football: punishing certain communities while rewarding others. Budgets have been brutally slashed. Teachers have often seen their wages, adjusted for inflation, shrink. So let’s consider NOT returning to normal. #velshi
Coronavirus has highlighted deep inequities within America’s public education system. Our children face massive achievement gaps based on where they live, where they were born & in many cases, the color of their skin. #velshi
This spring semester highlighted how challenging educating our kids actually is. Yet, in so many parts of the country, we continue to underfund public schools & teachers often dip into their own pockets to pay for supplies. #velshi
Schools are called upon not only to provide education, but after school care, meals, mental health evaluations, sexual abuse awareness, substance abuse prevention & protection from shooters. Maybe our priority should be fixing THAT system. #velshi
Ultimately, our students need to return to school & parents need to return to work & the sooner they can do so safely, the better. What a great time to solve some of the education problems we've chosen not to solve for so long. #velshi
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