PLA deployment against india has a major mech forces element consisting of an array of light and medium AFVs of all types. Including AAVs which can be used in pan gong so lake ops. Their war fighting technique will be based on valley clearance and securing of commn nodes.
Add to that their airborne capability and special reconnaissance forces
PLA has a long standing tradition of use of recce forces as a means to facilitate the application of Main force. This was observed in their ops in Korea, in 1962 where they repeatedly established reconnaissance screens against our forces effectively and in op against Vietnam
With evolution of time and tech the recce units would now be available in inf, mech and airborne forces. Flanking moves at tac level and turning moves at op level is the preferred PLA method of force application. Masses attacks is a myth.
In 1962 while attacking 7 bde at Namkachu they infiltrated to the rear of the brigade at night and then attacked from the rear. Read the account. Similarly at Sela no direct attack was put in on Sela. They had used the Bailey’s trail to move around and placing a block.
As far as infantry ops is concerned PLA has learned its tactics the hard way from the Japanese and for org and application of mech forces their usage is more akin to the Russian teaching.
The PLA institution of higher military learning was set up by the Russians in 1950s and that institution with Russian military operational thinking still influences the senior officer cadre of PLA. However PLA also suffers from some serious vulnerabilities which can be exploited
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