Ohio is on a county advisory system for covid. @kylamb8 and I will take a much more detailed looked at this soon, but I wanted to point out one of the indcators that determines if a county has a covid issue. This indicator is ICU capacity. If ICU capacity gets over 80%
The county gets a gets a point. Meaning it’s a covid concern. Hamilton county is over 80% ICU capacity. 258 of the 311 beds are in use. 38 are of the 258 patients are covid positive. So 12% of the beds they have are being used by covid positive people. This doesn’t mean
They are all being treating for covid. I’m sure many of the 38 are, but it’s doesn’t guarantee all are.
Butler county 92 of their 116 ice beds are in use. 7 covid positive patients. This is 6% of all ICU beds.
Statewide covid positive patients are using 7% of all icu beds.
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