On the heels of the Blake Neff/Tucker Carlson news, I've been telling you for years that Stephen Miller is a white supremacist and that he was, in fact, flashing a white power symbol in the White House.
Stephen Miller is one of Trump's most senior and longest-serving advisors who has been, in essence, conducting our immoral, racist immigration policy. Why would Trump - "the least racist person there is" - allow this? Why would the "liberal," "religious" Jared and Ivanka?
The truth is so simple but people don't want to just say it. Because they all support his views or, at best, recognize that he speaks to their racist, immoral base, which is a distinction without a difference. The racism is trickle down and we're seeing its effects everywhere
Trump/Miller didn't kill George Floyd, but their reaction to the protests illuminated their racist views. Trump/Miller didn't start a global pandemic but their heartless reaction, blame casting showed their racist views. Their ideology is getting people killed.
The word "racist" gets thrown around so much it starts to lose its potency. But racism IS potent. We're seeing it every day. We see it in the Karen videos telling people Trump is going to get them. They feel emboldened because they understand the president supports their views.
Stephen Miller wouldn't exist as anything other than a 4chan shitposter without Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, and Donald Trump. But Donald Trump wouldn't be president without the support of the Republican Party. How many more Blake Neffs/Stephen Millers are out there?
And why are they running our government?
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