Thread: Two things can be true at the same time! đŸ˜±

1. Berman of SDNY can be a guy (A) with ties to Trump/Kushner who had to recuse from the Cohen case and allowed Barr to shut down SDNY’s investigation of Trump Org and (B) not willing to do *everything* Barr demands.
2. Same thing with Jesse Liu, US Attorney in DC. She can be a Trump loyalist installed to protect Trump from the worst investigations, yet also be someone who is not willing to go along with the Roger Stone plans and therefore needs to be replaced at some point.
3. Avenatti/Parnas can be criminals and, at the same time, be people Barr targets for prosecution, not because they are criminals, but because they need to be silenced to protect Trump. You see, Barr doesn’t care whether you’re a criminal. He cares whether you’re *his* criminal.
4. Louise Mensch and her @patribotics and @trumprussiahits accounts can appear anti-Trump, yet be disinformation agents designed to steer you away from things that matter, drag you down rabbit holes, and harass and discredit Twitter accounts that lead you in the right direction.
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