2014: 50-year-old father of four proclaims himself a woman, though he's keeping his penis to be on the safe side. He says his anger-management issues are typical for trans women.
( @transwidows can confirm)

Today @guardian does a puff piece on him. WHY?

He says his school days "felt like facing the Taliban".

Ask @Malala. She did face the Taliban in her school days, and they tried to kill her. Because girls were banned from schools. (As a "woman", he should know that.)

Why does the @guardian indulge this grotesque narcissism?
Here is the very womanly Sophie-Grace Chappell, who knew all her life that she was a woman, just like her wife and her four daughters.

Here he is, 3 years before completing his transition by Putting On A Dress, on "Science, Non-Science, and Nonsense" 🤪
Timothy/Sophie-Grace Chappell, patron and trustee of "Accepting Evangelicals"

Quite. https://twitter.com/RogdFamily/status/1281925160292044803
There aren't enough tweets in the world to express how execrable this @guardian piece is.

This is not journalism, this is myth-making.

It presents soul-in-wrong-body belief as real fact:

1) Boy understands he is in wrong body
2) Mum understands too, & is horrified

In 1969!!
Here's a successful white male middle-class Christian Oxford-educated academic, married with four daughters, whom the @guardian describes as having "trauma stretching back into her [sic] childhood".

No example of anything traumatic is given.

But it's part of the myth-making.
JK Rowling may have experienced domestic violence so severe she feared for her life, but on the other hand Timothy Chappell's mother didn't believe he was a girl, so we'll let you judge whose trauma was greater.

Welcome to the Trans Oppression Olympics.
This part....just.... no words.

Timothy Chappell's four daughters are now supposed to regard him as THEIR ADOPTIVE PARENT??? He was their biological father all their lives, and now what? That guy died? Their father's dead? They need to adopt a new parent?

Talk about trauma.
And what I want to know is :


Here's a pampered, narcissistic male who, in his mid-life crisis starts wearing flouncy skirts in public, calls that "becoming a woman", and somehow that makes him the traumatized victim of an evil feminist plot.
Philosophy 101:

"I think, therefore I am"
"I wear a flouncy skirt on my philosophy department profile, therefore I am a woman"

"Transgression is a pleasure of the powerful"

we witness the truth of Sheila Jeffrey's statement every day, in article after article in defense of privileged white men destroying women's rights by denying that the word "woman" has any meaning at all. https://twitter.com/DaniBado/status/1054708982437298181
Amazing how scrupulously the reporter avoids any mention of this transvestite's wife:
Somehow the births of his daughters were "threaded through" his sparkling academic life. How, is a mystery.

Maybe he owns one of those birth-threading machines.
The cool thing about only proclaiming you're a woman when you're half a century old is that you get to skip all *these* pesky bits in your academic career:

(being male also helps) https://twitter.com/AlessandraAster/status/1281935848699842565
Oh and another haha moment in that trashy piece:

Is the @guardian seriously trying to get us to believe that the author of "The virtues of Thrasymachus" and other such considerations was "triggered" by Harry Potter? As an adult?

And would he have been "triggered" while reading Harry Potter to his daughters at night, imagining the Mirror of Erised reflecting his "deepest, most desperate desire", his fetishistic fantasy of being a woman?
Of course he'd fantasize not just about being just any old woman, but a beautiful woman. Because what's the point of being a woman if you're not subjected to the lecherous male gaze? #Feminism101

[Did we mention Chappell teaches feminist philosophy lol?]
I used to wear women's clothes in secret, then one day when I was 34, my wife caught me. I continued to be a closet transvestite until age 50, when it suddenly became brave & stunning and the @guardian joined the cause of making the cruel world believe we're women.
Yup, being a woman is reducible to Wearing A Dress.

The father of four daughters says wearing "feminine" clothes gives him innocent childlike joy. Hmmm. 🥴

Sounds like almost a religious experience.
Or maybe an orgasmic one.

He fantasized about being a woman while reading Harry Potter to his children, as an "emerging trans woman" [i.e. closet transvestite].

From his pompously harrumphing "Open letter to JK Rowling":

Highly-educated privileged middle-class middle-aged male white Christian British academic insists he is a member of one of the most discriminated groups IN THE WORLD and is exasperated that JK Rowling does not recognize this, proving his oppression by his very harrumph.
Let it not be said that Chappell is not magnanimous.
He informs JK Rowling that he is "happy to renounce all such threatening and abusive behaviour".

Makes you wonder what he's been doing though.
Or does he not understand the difference between "renounce" and "denounce"?
Chappell: Also ladies, remember that if we get violent with you, it's all your fault for recognizing that we're male, and we don't like that. So just stop annoying us and do what we say, and you'll be fine. Look at all the other nice girls, why can't you be more like them?
Well well, look at this:

Timothy Chappell only "transitioned" in 2014.

Yet he says he's been using women's toilets FOR DECADES. As a male. Why would he do that? No risk to him in the men's.

Does it satisfy his fetishistic desire to illicitly penetrate female spaces?
Time for a bit of racism mixed in with the misogyny now, because trans activists can NEVER make their arguments without the false syllogism that females oppress males just as white people oppress black people.

See here: https://twitter.com/Woman4W/status/1268146735148347392
How can a man write so many words about himself and his Manichean struggles with his fetishistic desire to be a woman, and yet say nothing about the five women he lives with, his wife and four daughters.

Nope. There's just him in the world, him and his wishes.

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