The easiest way to start writing copies is to answer this big question completely!

If you already have the answer to this question...

The big idea will come easily!
You will know the most important thing to say!
Your lead will be top-notch!
Your body copy will be superb...
I'm not even kidding...

It's the most important question to ask...

and the big question is...

"What does my target market already know?"

As simple as it sounds, it will span across everything in your message.

What does your prospect already know about:
1. His problem
2. Your product
3. Other products that solve the same problem as yours.

Has he read articles that told him that the most important thing to do to lose weight is "just dieting!"?

Does he already know that your product can solve his problem?
How many other solutions is he aware of that can get him what he desires?

When you have completely answered the question correctly...

You would already have, in your head, what will not be new to your prospect.
You will have the idea of what kind of offer would work best for him.
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