1/ I am an idiot because i thought i could leave Lebanon to pursue my graduate studies and come back to get involved in the educational scene to teach philosophy.


In my case, foreigners were always favored for the full-time positions i applied to.
2/ with time i realized that i should endeavor to pursue other projects on the side because the part-timer life is all too precarious. now i am tinkering with several ongoing hustles in order to make a living.
3/ HOWEVER, we lack the proper infrastructure and basic services to plan our freelancing gigs so much as to even make a few bucks for a living. Stress eventually takes its toll on you and you end up fed up, all the while worrying about paying rent and keeping food at your table.
4/ emigrating is one of the best choices one can make, if they get the chance to, because anywhere else, doing petty jobs would be more worthwhile, especially when basic services are available.
5/ we need to stop romanticizing both, staying in or leaving the country. everyone is free to do whatever the hell they feel like. we need to stop virtue-signaling from both stances. people seek better standards of living in countries where they could explore their full potential
6/ more often than not, you can only get to places in Lebanon ma3 terbi7 jmile w wasayet.

was shukran
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