This is bang on.

And I am getting sick of this smokescreen-weasel-word 'accountability'

They don't mean 'accountability,' they mean 'retribution without due process based on our say-so and world-view alone executed by mob pressure and with no court of appeal.'
I started annotating the Haprers counter-letter, but then frankly lost the will to live.

I do want to point to this disingenuous little elision here tho.
Let's just be very clear. We are not objecting to people *critiquing* other people. The whole point of the letter is defend the right of anyone to critique anyone.

What people are objecting to is what is evasively called 'holding them accountable socially.' Which is a nice
bit of Newspeak for 'raising a twitchfork mob and putting pressure on people's employers or using any other means you have of materially punishing them from wrongthink.'

This is all justified in the minds of the proponents by an abuse of the left-wing analysis of power.
The people being punished are 'the powerful' and the one's doing the punishing the voice of the 'powerless.'

Hence, whatever they say is right and whatever they do is just, even if they engage is blatant extra-judicial retributive justice.
And despite all the lessons of history, it never seems to occur to them that at the point you think you have the right to imperiously act as judge, jury and executioner of another human being, the moral compass you think justifies it has already broken.
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