Wayfair president of operations Bill Hutcherson with Ghislaine Maxwell a known sex trafficker who was involved with Epstein.
Wayfair product codes are pulling up images of young girls posing in very revealing clothes.
Wayfair is a front for child trafficking #Wayfairtrafficing #WayfairTrafficksChildren
I find myself asking myself why would clearnet site instead of darknet when it’s easily traceable etc. Then I realized it’s because they’re being protected by authorities and the government. these people have to have huge sway and power to pull this off.
These people have bigger connections than we think. Meaning it’s more than just one Guy with Maxwell it’s many. In order to pull this big of money laundering scheme off to clean off the money you make for child sex trafficking on a clearnet site you’d need major pull with...
The authorities and Govenrment because best believe they seen this. They observe everything on the clearnet. Meaning they’re enabling this and both are at play with it. Don’t think it isn’t fly under their radar. They know and I’m 98% sure their involved.
go to wayfair grab the code off them overpriced products and put it in yandex #wayfairchildtrafficking #Wayfair #wayfairgate
Take the codes and go to Yandex in the images section and you’ll find the pictures of the kids #wayfairchildtrafficking #Wayfair #wayfairgate
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