Thought by now someone would’ve touched on the real reason why “entanglements” exist in marriages/relationships
THREAD: The main reason why entanglements exist in marriages/relationships is excitement or the lack thereof.
When two people get together there is plenty of excitement. The relationship is then perhaps taken to the next level and they get married, later have kids then the excitement dies down, naturally.
Once this happens, and needing some excitement one party or sometimes both then look elsewhere for it. This does not necessarily mean the couple have outgrown or no longer love each other. Excitement is just a fundamental human need
No one is to blame for the lack of excitement it is just impossible to maintain excitement in a relationship/marriage for a lifetime consistently without fail. Impossible!!!
This doesn’t only apply to marriages/relationships in applies in almost everything in life. For eg: think of the excitement when you acquire a new house or car. The excitement is there for some time but you get over it in due time. Then you want another car, another house
Remember when you got that new dream job? Mad exciting wasn’t it? I can promise you now that excitement died down a few months/years down the line. You end up wanting another job with more perks and better conditions sooner rather than later.
And this ladies & gents is why almost 99,9% of marriages have had or will have entanglements in them. Will & Jada were never going to be an exception. Think of every marriage you know of, whether famous couples or those close to you that you know
Think of all married couples you know. Those close to you & the public figures. Our parents (some of whom are still married today), the Clintons (“I never had any relations with that woman”, meanwhile Monica a mo monile njombi), Ray McCauley, Jeff Radebe etc. Lack of excitement
We need to start having these real conversations so that people understand what marriage is really about because it seems people think it’s meant to be free of challenges while couples sing kumbaya next a Fire
For me marriage is about stability & growth, someone that you love that you are going to grow old with, start a family, build a beautiful home with, someone who builds with & elevates you, that you laugh with, explore the world with, someone by ur side, a lifetime friend & lover
Someone who compliments you, someone to share and realize a vision with, a companion, soulmate, someone to navigate through CHALLENGES with, I could go on and on.
What remains is that it is impossible to maintain excitement consistently without fail for eons, it is unnatural. Hence entanglements 💀

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