So today i'm gonna write a thread on love Jihad, for some it's a reality, for some it's a hoax which is being used as a political tool by the RW leaders to garner majority votes, i'll share what i think, whether its real or not, whether it's being politicized or not.

We often hear the news of Non Muslim women (primarily hindu women) in India having boyfriend from muslim communities, eloping with them, converting into islam and marrying them, in some cases there is no objection because hindus are supposed to act as torch bearer of....

.. secularism and liberalism, they are not supposed to question the morality and circumstances of the bad choices their kids (girls) make because apparently the secular hierarchy of media will label them communal misogynists who are against the notion of harmony, claim hindus

So is Love Jihad real or a hoax? let's see the defination (see pic)
The defination itself speaks quite a bit about the nature of this effort of islamization of Hindus but at the crux of it, its an "alleged effort, so let's break down the authenticity of it being "alleged".

As the defination says, it's an effort of duping hindu women into islam via fake hindu identity, luring secular, "ethnically hindu" women into love trap or introducing them into islam's "liberalism" which is quite of a debatable topic. its existence predates modern India.

Love Jihad is around for more than centuries but despite being a hot topic for news, how is that the hindu women still get trapped in the vicious cycle of these degenerates? what're the reasons that make non muslim women run away from their faith of birth towards misogyny?

i don't wanna look like a misogynistic twat but the reason lies in the female psychology, despite the rise of feminist values around the world, empowering women one way and degenerating them the other way, women tend to like "Men with innate masculine traits and free will."

Women like men with strong will and dominant nature, as they are susceptible to emotion and vulnerable to fear more then men, they need a sense and protection wall of security around them, research says - https://www.sciencealert.com/how-to-appear-more-attractive-to-woman-according-to-science-tips

That's where the Love Jihad predators step in, apparently in every case that i've studied on this topic, the victim women passively appreciates the culprit's chivalry dominance factor and free will, how well he presented himself that made her like him, like iron likes magnet.

Back to being a hindu we've always been taught "All religions are equal and shit" and we don't even question our highly left dominated academic institutions which are propagating these falsehood myths of mutual respect and unity with the convenient nuances of secularism.

A hindu in it's teenage works harder than any other community in India, being a majority hindus don't have the privilege of being subsidized or getting reservations, so hindus tend not to work for their life, most of the time abandoning love life, fun, getting depressed.

whereas the major minority such as muslims are predominantly patriarch, male in those communities are not barred from entering Jannat even if they commit grave sin provided they have full imaan in the almighty entity Allah, that's where the base of such activities originates.

Not considering "deception and intimidation as a sin that's being used to manipulate non muslims towards islam as justified often as non muslim women find respect and liberation in deen" is a grave dangerous norm in a pluralistic society created and sustained by hindus.

The only advantage muslim youth has on hindu is they culturally are not supposed to do well in the field of academics, primarily the reason for them to have enough time to do what's necessary for their faith, which is mainly to increase muslims population and it's all Funded.

So how does it starts? how do they trap women belonging to hindu society?
There are many means to do that let's have a look.
1- Schools & Colleges - Unlike the rest of the Islamic world, We have Co-Ed schooling system, where people connect freely, in schools Muslim males..

..target non muslim women with the help of gullible and pathetic hindu girls (ever heard the phrase "Setting krwa de?") muslim girls are specifically told not to mingle with hindus, same happens in college fresher parties, it all starts with an introduction.

Muslim guys generally remain in packs, and often discuss how to bring non muslims into their fold, how to take those seculars to "Mazars or Peerkhana" ? these discussions can be held at a hostel room or at workplace in leisure time.

It's come to me by my close sources that muslim male who're involved in love Jihad bring a strange drugged mixture from Mazars and Dargah, this mixture has viagra like properties and often served to hindu girls as prasadam, which secular girls don't refuse.
This drug is generally used to infuriate sex drive of people, once taken it can make you crave for physical intimacy, this is the time when these predators get non muslim women hands down, and sexually exploit them, only to later blackmail them into conversion and marriage.

Social media - deceptive people send friend requests to non deeni girls under the fake name and the pretext of false information, after a lot of sugarcoating and sweet talking they either ask for nudes or arrange meetings, and there starts a foundation for new police inquiry.

Mosques hold meetings in which whole community is supposed to be present, there they decide on various ways to perform "Dawah" which is basically the proselytism of Islam, for that small business owners are instructed to keep an eye on non muslim girls and are funded well.

Muslim boys are instructed to wear "Kalawa" and sacred dot and to roam around girls schools to love trap hindu girls if a girl refuses to fall for one, another one takes charge and steps ahead, for example in Meerut and Bareilly, 25-30 hindu girls elope every month.

They are seen working under wealthy hindus, and it's seen that rich brats have their brains in their arse, they don't know they're being preyed by a proselytizing syndicate, happened with a Goldsmith in Moradabad where his daughter ran away with their servent with 35 Lakh ₹

Muslim women who work at beauty parlours often hook up hindu female clients with their co-religionists, duping them by admiring muslim males they know, euolize them to crete a psychological sweet spot in the hearts & mind of hindu women, many women get honey trapped in this.

Mobile reparing shops where cut carrots work are known to distribute mobile no. to their friends, only to later harass hindu girls, mind you all, that these boys are trained in urdu shayri and other duping techniques, this may come off as ridiculous but it's hell of a truth.
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