When will parents of autistic children understand that having and spreading harmful attitudes re autism doesn‘t help them, nor their children in any way whatsoever?

That all it does is harm their children, them, and ultimately the entire autistic community more?

It doesn‘t help you, or your child, to call autistic meltdowns „cruel“ or to assign them intent.

Meltdowns are involuntary neurological events and assigning them intent only harms your child, you, and all autistics.

So why do you keep doing this?

#autism #meltdowns
It doesn‘t help you, or your child, to declare faecal smearing intentional behavior to annoy you, or to see it as disgusting.

You calling feacal smearing disgusting and telling the world about it doesn‘t stop your child from doing it.

So why do you keep doing this?

It doesn‘t help you, or your child, to hate stimming, and to try and get your child to stop doing it.

You are only shaming and taking away an important self-regulatory ability your child has and needs.

So why do you keep doing it?

#AutismMom #AutismDad #autism #stimming
You achieve nothing but harm when you hate, are ashamed of, disgusted by, or feel negatively in any way about your child‘s autistic traits and related issues.

It doesn‘t help you.

It doesn‘t help your child.

It doesn‘ help other autistic people.

So why do you keep doing it?!
So there are problems, and you want them to go away?

Instead of perpetuating harm, figure out what the ACTUAL problem is!

Don‘t hate that your child is autistic.

It’s an unchangable fact that they‘re autistic, always will be autistic, and you hating that only causes harm.
Why is your child having meltdowns?

Not because they‘re autistic!
Because they‘re overloaded!

Figure out what causes the overload and deal with it.

Is it sensory related?
Is it information processing?
Something unexpected happened?

Less overload, less meltdowns.
The only way to help your autistic child is to accept that they‘re autistic, understand what exactly that means for them in every area of life, and to figure out how to best support and accommodate them.

And you want to help them, and yourself, don‘t you?

It works.


It’s mostly non-autistic parents of autistic children who do this...but not exclusively. Lots may well also be undiagnosed autistic. That‘s why I chose to not specify solely „non-autistic parents“.

Anyone can get sucked into the „We hate autism“ narrative.

It has to stop.
You can follow @autistictic.
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