Today, the #LPL has complete polar opposite series for you to enjoy.

DMO vs RW.

The bottom of the league face off, then international champions collide.

Wanna know more? Here's a thread.
DMO vs RW may sound like a meme-matchup, and I won't lie to you boy and girls, it ain't gonna be ground breaking when it comes to the finesse of prime-time league of legends.

What I can promise you though, is this will be the fiesta to end all fiestas.
RW are the funnest team in the LPL, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Haro came back and changed the team for the better, taking games off JDG, VG and OMG, just not quite able to end series out.

They're chaotic from start to end and you KNOW you're gonna get fights.
DMO on the other hand vary between games, but always lean on Xiaopeng to be their leader. He's the one setting up plays and setting the pace, usually focused around keeping Twila in the game. Xubin has looked insane from the ADC position when he's set up correctly too.
FPX vs TES, I barely even know where to begin. This is easily my favorite match-up of 2020 since JKL joined the fray. MSC finals went 3-1 to TES and honestly, looked one-sided, but FPX seem to have grown since and are one of the only squads I believe capable of challenging TES.
TES look insane start to finish, they're a better IG. They're the team that can win the game through sheer lane dominance, but they ALSO have insane teamfighting, they've shown immaculate macro. The only weakness I can see is greed - they can be punished when they overstep.
FPX are a different squad than 2019, they don't just dive bot every game like they used to, but Doinb is still the roamer we know and love, Tian is still a god of the jungle. Khan stepping into the team was shaky in spring, but has found his stride in summer.....
It feels like FPX now have multiple lanes to win through instead of always replying on bot. Khan vs 369 in a carry matchup would be a laning phase to never forget.
My predictions:
RW 2-1 DMO

Also, as a bonus, TES vs FPX will be a tricast!

Today is a day you don't wanna miss.

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