"being trans isn't a mental health condition" sort of rubs me wrong, not because being trans is a mental illness, it's not, but if it were why would that de-legitamize it in anyway? If someone transitions due to trauma why would that be wrong?
The only reason it's seen as wrong is because of how ableism works in minority communities like queer spaces where we've faced that pathologized experience for almost all the acronym including asexual people.

But consider: If my dysphoria was really trauma, as terfs say-
than why would that make it not an issue? Why would my removing my breasts to not be seen as consumable by cishet men suddenly wrong if the end result is still a betterment of my life and comfort in my body. And for those who see me as a woman, why-
would dictating what those you read as women do with their bodies ok and good to fight for when it's for things like abortion access and autonomy, but not when it's another expression of that autonomy that masculinizes?
I personally see myself as a "butch is gender" genderqueer so I do align in ways with womanhood and I've yet to find a good reason why the world is so threatened by masculine women and masculine nonbinary people. Are we honestly just too transitive even for those-
claiming to be radical feminists? Cause that's what we are to terfs.
MY point is, it's my body and my choice, it will be no matter if the words I have for it are understandable, or the surgery is understandable or if the trauma really were the reason, it's still my body and my choice.
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