srebrenica genocide denial takes two main forms: one is casting doubt on the number of victims and one is challenging the genocidal intent of the perpetrators. here’s why both of these are simply wrong.
1) lists of missing persons were carefully compiled, from multiple data sources; all duplicates were removed. estimate of 7,475 which is what was used in the krstić trial is a *conservetive estimate*, the real number is higher than 8,000.
2) false equivalence argues that the men who were killed were combatants. this is a) factually incorrect, b) men were executed, they were not killed in combat, c) before they were killed many of their IDs were taken and burnt - not something you’d ever do if you captured POWs.
3) negating the organizational aspect of the genocide is also common. so think about this. buses had to be organized to transport over 8,000 muslim men to sites where they were executed. that means coordination of buses + procuring fuel during a war.
4) logistically this needs coordination at the highest levels of the military and political establishment.
5) they also needed excavators to dig large holes and bury bodies once men were executed - again, procuring the fuel for this required coordination.
6) military units which weren’t under drina corps command were deployed to srebrenica in this period to “help” with executions. again, coordination at higher levels of the military command is necessary for this.
7) men’s hands were often tied behind their backs, their possessions taken, all of this shows the killings were genocidal and not accidental, or committed by a few loose bad apples.
8) finally, and most importantly - survivors testify about the level of organization and coordination, they testify about intent. VRS soldiers would check the graves after the first round of bullets and kill anyone who was moving at close range.
9) arguing that there were victims on all sides is false equivalence. no one is saying there were not, but if you bring that up to silence srebrenica survivors then you don’t care about any of the victims, you’re just trying to relativise the perpetrators’ guilt.
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