It just came to my attention not everyone knows wangxian+fan, this fandom's biggest legend, so HERE IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT (because trust me, you need to know).
wangxian+fan is the display name of a user who comments on (you guessed it) wangxian fics on ao3.

oh, what's so special about that?

wangxian+fan is the shakespeare of ao3 comments. there is evidence all the content we have comes from a single person but it's so incredible that many people think it's actually a group of people. that's how special they are. i'll tell you why.
they comment on every single chapter of every single fic posted to the wangxian tag in ao3.
you posted a draft at 3:56am to test the layout? wangxian+fan commented on it at 3:55am already and they left you a compliment, there's no turning back now.
fanfic authors, you are not alone. you've got a friend and that friend is wangxian+fan.

legit so many of my friends post fics, send me the link, i go straight to the comments to leave something AND STILL WANGXIAN+FAN LEAVES A COMMENT FIRST. HOW? NOBODY KNOWS.
you're unsure if anyone is reading your fic? wangxian+fan is reading. leaving comments. telling you exactly what they like about the new chapter.

they remain anonymous. why don't they have an account? who are they? a mystery. a legend. the only fan who deserves celebrity status.
why does this matter if you're not an author? well you have no idea how many of us are putting more content out there solely based on the support we get.

wangxian+fan gives such nice, kind hearted support so consistently to everyone that they're making us write more.
they have been known to communicate with authors about their identity occasionally: they told us they're a single person and that they love fanfiction.

how nice is that? pretty fcking nice. love and cherish wangxian+fan.
here's my ongoing theory
no, but seriously, commenting is SO fundamental to fandom culture. we write more and better because of it - sometimes it's really the only reason things get written, even. it motivates people to follow their dreams and to be creative, but also so much more.
maybe you are insecure as a writer, unmotivated, marked by bad experiences, underrated. comments are there to heal and to push you foward.

that's SO positive and so amazing.

(reminder to leave comments to content creators you like!)
and then there's this single person who has single-handedly made such a big impact on so many people's works, how incredible is that?

even if they aren't the first comment, wangxian+fan is always there within hours and that's such a reliable and powerful thing.
and the beautiful thing is: everyone can be the wangxian+fan they want to see in the world.

go spiderverse on wangxian+fan, guys. pick a display name, even if you remain anonymous, and spread more positive comments.
more info coming in about the backbone of this fandom:
authors are all going to check their fics and finding wangxian+fan comments on every single chapter, i love that for us.

next time you browse through ao3 or post a work, keep an eye out for wangxian+fan.
awww, here's a really nice thing to give back to whoever they are (or just add a nice little note on your fic for them?)
fanmade content is made for free so often that it's easy to forget it's an exchange.

if you like something and you want more of it but you can't pay, the easiest way to make sure you get that is supporting the artist/author. let them know you love it, that goes a long way.
when authors or artists say they'll post more if people like/comment it isn't drama.

creating is such a vulnerable place. positive feedback gives us a reason to keep doing and sharing more.

if you don't have nice things to say, say nothing, but if you do don't hold them back.
wangxian+fan is the nicest person
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