1. Earlier this week we published a thread about Foodbenders in Toronto. We received feedback that it was being used to justify the position of the far-right group that is harassing the business and its customers. We removed the thread, but feel that was a mistake.
2. After careful consideration, we are re-publishing it in its entirety with some additions. We denounce any hate groups that try to twist our words to fit their narratives.

We apologize for harm done by its removal.
3. We want to address the situation with Foodbenders in Toronto.

We oppose the annexation and the of oppression of Palestine. We support efforts against that oppression
While the issue is incredibly nuanced and complex, we can't ignore the use of overtly antisemitic canards.
4. That is, ultimately, where our concerns lie.

Instagram posts claiming that Zionists are in control of our government and media is a trope dating back to the debunked and fraudulent antisemitic test, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/a-hoax-of-hate-the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-zion
5. The problematic content of these posts is a version of the ZOG, or Zionist Occupied Government, trope – and it's absolutely harmful and untrue.

In addition, the JDL/Never Again Canada is an anti-Muslim hate group, hardly in control of anything but their own bigotry.
6. The issue is not the position of supporting Palestine. The issue is the propagation of these harmful stereotypes and tropes.

To say that one doesn't mean all Jews, they just mean Israel is to borrow from the antisemitic playbook. We've seen the same from actual neo-Nazis.
7. Here's another person who claims to target Israel, but really means Jews.

Mackenzie was recently permanently banned from Twitter for his antisemitism, but claimed it was due to “criticism of Israel.”
8. Spencer Sunshine is one of the best people who knows all about this: https://twitter.com/transform6789/status/1183789565481553920
9. We can, and we must, support the liberation of the Palestinian people without resorting to hateful and harmful stereotypes and antisemitic tropes.

Andy L. said the following, which really resonated with us.
10. It is one thing to say that the Canadian government supports the state of Israel in harmful and traumatic actions. It is quite another to say that because the government does so it is run or occupied by Zionists.
11. We need a shift around language. Countless Zionists do not support annexation and are critical of Israel’s policies and harm done toward the Palestinian people. Equating that position with Zionism is inaccurate and harmful. They are pro-annexation.
12. This column by @EmmaRoseTeitel illustrates why it’s important to talk about this, and why the language surrounding this is problematic and harmful.

13. Setting aside our disagreement with what has been said by the Foodbenders owners, it does not justify the attacks perpetrated against them by the JDL, which, as we said above, is an anti-Muslim extremist group. https://www.adl.org/education/resources/profiles/jewish-defense-league
14. The JDL has weaponized the situation to harass and intimidate Palestinians and Muslims, and have launched anti-Muslim attacks.

We denounce this in the strongest possible terms.
15. JDL members held a demonstration in front of Foodbenders where they harassed people on the street and wrote Islamophobic statements in front of the business. These actions are indefensible. The protest was attended by Meir Weinstein, Jordan Justein, Ron Banerjee, and others.
16. Some of the things said by the JDL toward Palestinian activists include “you don’t have a soul, you gave it up.” They then mocked a young activist for becoming emotional. This cruelty is unacceptable.
17. The events at Foodbenders, and the controversy around our thread on the matter, have given us pause. We endeavor to always support the victims of hate in our communities and it was deeply upsetting to us to think we may have failed on this occasion.
18. For everyone who experiences pain and trauma around Islamophobia, antisemitism, and/or the annexation of Palestine, we see you. We love you. And we will always hold space for you. đź–¤ - YVCE Team
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