I predict that Britain will :
-have a zero tariff, zero friction access to the EU single market at no cost.
-have a world leading regulatory standard that EU, USA, Asia-pacific will bow to and accept its superiority.
-will replace the the EMA and the FDA as the only medical safety organisation on the planet.
-will replace the US military GPS and the EU Galileo civil Satellite positioning systems with a British system
-will direct the WTO as the leader and explain to the other 168 why only the english know best.
-will explain to the world that the empire is back.
-will out the Irish back in their place
-will tell ASEAN that Britain now is the biggest player in the Southern hemisphere.
-will tell China that Hong Kong is really a part of Essex.
-Will tell the World bank that money and debts are imaginary
-will explain that Scotland is property.
- will dictate a trade agreement to the Americans by reminding them that it is still a colony
-will tell the whites of NZ,Aus,Canada that the flag is more important than the maoris, Aborigenes or frenchies
-will explain to the world that the empire is back .
I admit me and some of the ERG are testing this drug.
clinical trials of "britishness 2"
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