@ElsevierNurse why in the year of our Lord 2020 am I still reading racist assumptions by white nurses 2 of whom are Fellows of @AAN_Nursing about the pain perception of Black & Brown birthing people on Al Gore’s internet and in print? #NurseTwitter come get your girls.
When I tell you Nursing Academia isn’t just complicity in white supremacy in healthcare but active offenders Exhibit A. This excerpt from Maternity Nursing being taught to thousands of nursing students in the U.S. and Canada today. If you’re a #nurseacademic teaching this shit...
“Some Cultural Beliefs About Pain
• African-American and Puerto Rican women usually express their pain vocally, while Native Americans are often stoic.”
“Chinese women may not exhibit reactions to pain, although exhibiting pain during childbirth is acceptable. They consider accepting something when it is first offered as impolite; therefore pain interventions must be offered more than once.”
“Arab or Middle Eastern women may be vocal in response to labor pain. They may prefer medication for pain relief.
• Japanese women may be stoic in response to labor pain, but they may request medication when pain becomes severe.”
“• Southeast Asian women may endure severe pain before requesting relief.
• Hispanic women may be stoic until late in labor, when they may become vocal and request pain relief.”
“Native American women may use medications or remedies made from indigenous plants. They are often stoic in response to labor pain.
• African-American women may express pain openly. Use of medication for pain relief varies.”
Here you go: “Every Birthing person experiences pain. Humans aren’t Monolithic. It’s important to ask every birthing person how they prefer you to support their preferences for analgesia in labor & birth. Honor their response without racist assumptions” #DecolonizeNursing
Calling on @VanderbiltNurse @JacksonvilleU @delawaretech @txwomans from whom I hold my degrees in nursing to evaluate their undergraduate nursing curriculum & if they use this text to remove it immediately. You are perpetuating the nursing harm & neglect that kills Black mamas!
You can follow @iamn0tthe1.
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