And yes; I haven’t forgotten. Of course, I‘ll fulfill my promise to participate in the
„My current life in pictures“ challenge: seven days, no people, no descriptions.
I‘ll start tomorrow.
Okay, here we go.
My current life in pictures. Seven days, no people, no descriptions.
Only pictures taken that day, no filters, no photoshop.
Life in the raw.
I was challenged by @marianajanisch; I won‘t challenge anyone... yet.
Here is 1/7, taken 40min ago:
2/7 of „My current life in pictures“. Seven days, no people, no descriptions.
3/7 of „My current life in pictures“. Seven days, no people, no descriptions.
4/7 of „My current life in pictures“. Seven days, no people, no descriptions.
5/7 of „My current life in pictures“. Seven days, no people, no descriptions.
I was challenged by @marianajanisch
Here‘s a picture of my life today...
6/7 of „My current life in pictures“. Seven days, no people, no descriptions.
I was challenged by @marianajanisch
And finally 7/7 of „My current life in pictures“.
I was challenged by @marianajanisch
This concludes the seven days in times of Covid, pictures with no people, no descriptions.
None necessary.
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