2/Most Americans think people should be able to sue the cops.

Ending Qualified Immunity seems like a smart and popular reform.
3/American opinions of the police have soured since the Great Police Riot in early June.

People still give the police fairly positive marks on protecting people from crime, but think cops use too much force, are racist, and are not accountable.
4/But support for cutting police funding is not high.
5/Extremely popular reforms include:
1. More oversight
2. Tracking bad cops
3. More training
4. Banning chokeholds
5. Requiring cops to live in the places they police
6/Demographic breakdowns on opinions of cops:
7/On most issues, Republicans have also become more negative toward the police.
8/And all of the aforementioned extremely popular reforms are favored by solid majorities of Republicans.
9/Hispanic opinions on police funding are very similar to White opinions.

Only among Black Americans and Americans under 30 does cutting police spending have plurality support.
10/Among Democrats, age is a big divider. Hispanic Democrats are pretty strongly opposed to cutting police funding.
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