It's already gone past the point of no return for this wave and will continue to do so if it is not locked down now. Should have listened to the medical professionals and not your boy Trump. You did not follow the guidelines for slowly opening up. People
were not educated on safe practices. Businesses were not supported in implementing safe practices. If you want to initiate change in the community, it has to come with new laws and mandates to keep people safe. People don't like being told what to do, but too bad!
When you don't tell them what to do - this is what you get! Rampant sickness! My 2 year old grandson doesn't like being told not to run into the street, but he lacks the better judgement to be left to his own devices. Unfortunately, grown people are the same way. (Most of them).
We need media campaigns, education, working in communities to stop the spread. We don't need to open schools, restaurants (curbside only), stores (curbside only), no gyms, no movie theaters, no large gatherings. . . .It is common sense. Not forever, but until we can get this
REALLY under control. We didn't have it under control the first time. But, the idiot in the Whitehouse started spewing his nonsense and RED governors followed his orders - you see where that got us? Is he here dealing with our overcrowding in hospitals, funerals, lack of staff,
lack of PPE? NO! If you follow what Trump wants to do, you will kill Texans. Will some Texans throw a fit? Yes, but not everyone gets their way. They will get over it or not - the choice is theirs. But, it is not their choice to get others sick. The best way is the safe way.
Is the economy going to suffer? It suffers in either scenario: If you open, it suffers because of all the sickness and economic strain from that. It suffers because the business has to close to foot traffic, but people are safe. Either way, we lose! I would rather lose and have
people not lose their lives. So the question is, which losing scenario do you want for Texas. I say saving lives is the best option. #shutdownTX #COVID19TX #TrumpIsKillingUs #Texasdeservesbetter
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